Walking aids
This includes walking sticks, crutches, zimmer frames and walkers. Some walking aids have moulded grips (Fischer grip) for those who have trouble with their hands and wrists. Prior to your assessment, you may be contacted by telephone and asked about your height and weight.
This is to ensure that your walking aid is adequate for your needs and safe. You will always be measured by the physiotherapist or assistant to ensure that the appropriate walking aid is the correct height for you.
A walking aid adjusted to the wrong height can cause back pain, neck pain and shoulder problems. You will also be shown how to use the walking aid safely. The walking aid is yours to keep as long as you need it and there is no fee to pay, but you will be expected to return the item should you no longer need them in the future.
Joint supports
We stock and supply a small range of joint supports, including wrist and thumb splints, gel insoles, tennis elbow clasps and knee straps. We do not have a wide range of supports because there is little evidence to say that they provide significant benefit in most cases.
It is believed that some supports can cause problems by restricting normal movement of the joints causing stiffness pain and weakness. This is particularly relevant in cases of chronic low back pain and neck pain.
There are, however, some exceptions and if, after assessment, your Physiotherapist feels that you will benefit from using a joint support, they will provide you will the support and explain how to safely and effectively use it.