Therapeutic care volunteer role description

Daily supervision: Therapeutic support programme team office
Accountability: Nursing sister in therapeutic care & therapeutic support programme team
- The James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough
- East Cleveland Primary Care Hospital, Brotton
- Friarage Hospital, Northallerton
- Redcar Primary Care Hospital
Therapeutic care volunteers will:
- Engage with patients to provide therapeutic care and interaction
- Offer therapeutic contact that will provide comfort if appropriate
- Read quietly to patients if requested and at an appropriate time
- Chat about the patient’s history and interests, reminisce using memory boxes, photographs and music etc
- Accompany patients with staff permission (within the ward environment) to allow them the freedom to walk around thereby reducing restrictions that may lead to escalation of behaviours
- Help to therapeutically distract patients for example: playing cards, jigsaws, drawing etc
- Engage in general conversation and “really” listen to patients
- As part of the therapeutic interaction, encourage patients to be aware of their nutritional and hydration needs
- Support patients with staff permission who may need to leave the ward to attend other areas of the hospital
- Complete relevant documentation such as Forget Me Not forms, friends and family feedback and the completion of patient experience questionnaires
- To act as an ambassador for the therapeutic support team and promote the service
Personal qualities:
- Tact and sensitivity
- Excellent communication skills
- Commitment to the South Tees volunteering service
- Ability to work alone and as part of team
- Polite and approachable
- Professional approach
Training requirements:
As a therapeutic care volunteer, you will complete the following training:
- Trust corporate training
- Therapeutic Support Programme – Volunteer Induction Training
- Donning and doffing of personal protective equipment (PPE)
Your commitment:
Your commitment to this role will be discussed on an individual basis. We ask that all volunteers commit to a minimum of two hours per week.
Support and supervision:
Your first line of support and for any enquiries will be the therapeutic support programme team based in an office outside of wards 1 and 2, The James Cook University Hospital.
The therapeutic support programme team will provide you with any information updates, training opportunities and upcoming events on a regular basis.
Users of the service:
All patients, carers and visitors within South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Burgundy NHS volunteer polo shirt (provided)
- NHS volunteer badge (provided)
- Black trousers
- Black shoes
What departments can I volunteer in?
Adult inpatient wards
Women and children’s department
To apply for this role contact:
Therapeutic Support Programme Team Office
The James Cook University Hospital
Marton Road
Call the team on 01642 835863
Email us at [email protected]
Volunteer application form and risk assessment